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  • 【Ocean View Golf Course】濱海高爾夫球場

    Address: No. 10, Jianzi Road, Jianluli, Shimen District, New Taipei City 253 Google Map: Phone: 02 2638 0679 Facility:Café, Parking Hours: Sunday~Saturday | 6:00 am - 6:00 pm Located in Shimen District (North of Taipei), Ocean View is the only golf course in Taiwan that is surrounded by mountains on three sides, while facing the sea on one side. It features undulated, narrow fairways, numerous merciless bunkers, and overall excellent conditions. This makes it a highly challenging and cost-effective golf course. The country-style clubhouse offers a spacious reception and vacation vibes. 位於新北市石門區的濱海,是台灣唯一一座”三面環山、一面臨海“的高爾夫球場。它的起伏高、球道窄、障礙多,而且整體的草況很不錯,是具有挑戰性而且CP值非常高的球場。會所的鄉村風建築讓人有寬敞大器的第一印象,從落地窗看出去的視野也是無限遼闊,很舒服~ I've only visited Ocean View three times in the past five years. From what I remember, the course is simply full of hazards, OBs and super hilly roughs, so if you're having a "rough" day... trust me, you will certainly get your cardio in. 其實我個人只打過濱海三次,但印象中就是水多、OB多,而且一旦打歪就得要爬山去找球,非常考驗開球方向和體能。 The changing room is clean and classy, with everything you might need. I especially adore the private shower rooms with a changing area, because that allows you to dry off and get dressed without getting your stuff wet. 更衣間走清新典雅風,乾乾淨淨,該有的都有。而且有乾濕分離的淋浴間是我個人覺得很加分的地方。 Although Ocean View seems a bit away for those living south of Taipei, it is probably one of the most cost-effective golf courses in Taiwan, with a spendid view, great fairway conditions, challenging layouts, decent facilities... highly recommended. 雖然濱海的地理位置對於台北以南的球友來說距離偏遠,但整體而言,濱海的CP值真的是數一數二優秀:草況好、風景好、難度高、設施好,非常推薦。 Elva J. Ranking ✓ Course Condition 草皮狀態: ★★★☆☆ ✓ Facility 設施: ★★★★☆ ✓ Food & Beverage 餐飲: ★★★☆☆ ✓ Service 服務: ★★★★☆ ✓ Cost-Performance 性價比: ★★★★★ (Disclaimer: The above assessment is based on my personal experience that day and may not reflect the long-term status of the golf course. Please evaluate and consider accordingly.) (聲明:以上評價為我當天體驗之個人評價,不代表該球場的長期經營狀態,請自行評估參考。)

  • 【Sunrise Golf and Country Club】揚昇高爾夫鄉村俱樂部

    Address: No. 256 Yangsheng Rd., Yangmei Dist., New Taipei City 32652 Google Map: Phone: 03 478 0099 Facility: Hotel, Bakery, Restaurant, Banquet, 18-holes, Pro shop, Parking Hours: Sunday~Saturday | 5:30am - 10:00pm Yangsheng is one of those golf courses that you won't forget about after playing just once. The overall condition of the course, the service, and the facilities are just simply impeccable, which of course is also reflected in the pricing of their fees. But if you have limited opportunities to play during your visit in Taiwan, including Yangsheng in your golf trip itinerary will definitely not disappoint. 曾榮獲Asian Golf Awards Top 10「台灣最佳球場」而聞名的揚昇高爾夫鄉村俱樂部,只要打過一次就會印象深刻。除了球道和果嶺本身的狀態和設計讓人難忘以外,揚昇全方位的服務品質和設施環境基本上都是無可挑剃的,因此他們的價位也相對比較高。但如果在台灣打球的機會有限,揚昇絕對是必須體驗的球場之一。 Seeing the lush greenery along the entrance will instantly brighten your body and soul. 通過寬敞氣派的車道入口,沿路映入眼簾的綠意盎然,讓身心都不由自主地豁然開朗起來~ The European architectural style in the clubhouse exudes a sense of elegance and sophistication. At the center of the lobby stands the Sunrise Bakery, where guests can enjoy an afternoon tea while admiring the scenic view of the golf course. 會所大廳的歐式建築風格也是格外氣派優雅。大廳正中央還有球場自營的 Sunrise Bakery 手工烘培坊,讓客人可以一邊品嚐下午茶一邊欣賞球場美景。 As an international championship course, Yangsheng Golf Club boasts excellent facilities, including eighty-three luxurious scenic hotel suites, the first-ever Golf Heritage Museum in Asia, and a variety of restaurants, from Chinese to Western cuisine. 作為國際錦標賽球場,揚昇球場更具備了完善的設施,除了有八十三間豪華觀景套房,更設置了亞洲首座高爾夫文物館,以及以下中式、西式等餐廳。 Next to the front desk is an impressive celebrity signature wall. Across from it is the pro shop, which offers an array of adorable golf equipment and accessories. 出發站旁的名人簽名牆很壯觀!一旁的球具店裡也是各種高球配備應有盡有。 Even the corner outside the locker rooms is elegantly adorned with luxurious furnishings, inviting you to capture its beauty with a few more photos. 更衣室外的角落佈置也絲毫不馬乎,華麗的傢俱擺設讓人忍不住想多拍幾張~ Seizing the opportunity when the locker room was empty, I discreetly snapped a shot of the spacious and well-lit dressing area, where each seat is equipped with lotions and hair styling spray for golfers' convenience. 趁更衣室沒人時偷拍了一張梳妝區的長相,這裡空間很寬敞明亮,每個座位都擺放了乳液和頭髮造型噴霧等備品供球友使用。 The sunroom space outside the restaurant on the second floor, as well as the bathroom and lounge area are all incredibly beautiful. 二樓中餐廳外的陽光房空間、洗手間和休息區未免也太美了!?。 From the 1st tee, the well-maintained checkered fairway lies ahead, truly living up to its reputation as an international championship-level golf course! 從出發台可以看到前方菱格紋球道被保養得很好,不愧是具有國際錦標賽水準的球場! Before teeing off, you can warm up on the practice green to familiarize yourself with the green speed. 開球前可以先在練習果嶺切推,熟悉果嶺速度。 Most of the course is in excellent condition, though there were a few tee boxes with slightly untidy grass. But overall, Yangsheng Golf Club maintains a top-tier standard in Taiwan, with its grass conditions, service, and facilities consistently ranking among the best. 大部分草皮的維護狀態都很優秀,但還是有個別幾個發球台的草皮稍顯凌亂。但整體而言,楊昇球場的草皮狀態、服務、設施長期以來都維持在台灣名列前茅的水準。 Elva J. Ranking ✓ Course Condition 草皮狀態: ★★★★☆ ✓ Facility 設施: ★★★★★ ✓ Food & Beverage 餐飲: ★★★★☆ ✓ Service 服務: ★★★★★ ✓ Cost-Performance 性價比: ★★★★☆ Note: While the course's condition is excellent, there may still be room for improvement when compared to overseas golf courses in terms of grass maintenance and dining options. (Disclaimer: The above assessment is based on my personal experience that day and may not reflect the long-term status of the golf course. Please evaluate and consider accordingly.) 說明:雖球場的狀態在台灣算是非常優秀,但若跟國外的球場比,草皮狀態和餐飲精緻度就還有進步空間。(聲明:以上評價為我當天體驗之個人評價,不代表該球場的長期經營狀態,請自行評估參考。)

  • 【National Golf Country Club】全國花園鄉村俱樂部

    Address: No.1, Shizhen, Yuanli Township, Miaoli County 35878 Google Map: Phone: 03 774 1166 Facility: Resort, Restaurant, Driving Range, Putting Green, Chipping Green with Bunker, Pool, Banquet, 18-holes, Pro shop, Parking Hours: Sunday~Saturday | 5:30 am - 10:00 pm Established in 1995, National Golf Country Club is a holistic golf resort located in Miaoli, Taiwan. It features an 18-hole international championship-level golf course, conference/wedding venues, accommodation facilities, an outdoor swimming pool, and two distinctive restaurants. It is also the sponsoring course of Olympic medalist C.T. Pan and many other professional Taiwanese golfers. 位於台灣苗栗的全國花園鄉村俱樂部創立於1995年,是一間全方位高爾夫度假勝地,擁有18洞國際錦標賽等級球場、會議/婚宴會場、住宿會館、室外泳池,以及兩間特色餐廳等多樣化設施。他們更培育了台灣高球之光潘政琮和多位國家代表隊選手,是個積極投入於台灣高球選手發展的優質球場。 The main clubhouse offers a large conference hall, a Chinese restaurant, a golf pro shop, and changing rooms for visiting golfers. The clubhouse's elegant and splendid ambiance provides golfers with the opportunity to enjoy fine dining and wine while appreciating the works of international sculpture master Mr. YuYu Yang displayed within the clubhouse. 全國的第一會館提供大型會議廳、四季中餐廳、球具店和擊球來賓的更衣室。會館內典雅華麗的裝潢和氛圍讓球友在球敘後可以一邊享受美食美酒,一邊欣賞會館內由國際雕塑大師楊英風先生的作品。 After being redesigned by renowned golf architect Ronald Fream, the course has undergone a transformation that includes diverse bunker layouts around its greens. This alteration enables golfers to experience more challenging approach angles, which significantly enhances the "fun". Additionally, their signature fast greens with bent grass and fairway quality meeting professional tournament standards have made it a preferred venue for various international brand-sponsored golf events. 由國際球場設計大師 Ronald Fream (羅納德‧弗林) 親手操刀重新改造後,全國球場的果嶺周邊增加了多樣化的沙坑設計,讓球友得以體驗各種變化多端的進攻角度,大幅提升了球場的難度與樂趣。除此之外,全國栽植的桂冠草快速果嶺也是他們的特色之一,而球道品質更是達到的職業賽事的標準,讓該場地成為許多國際品牌廠商舉辦高球活動的首選。 The resort exudes a laid-back holiday atmosphere, offering numerous leisure facilities including KTV, a chess room, fitness center, reading area, and family area, as well as an outdoor pool and a short-game & sand practice area. In contrast to the clubhouse's prestigious Chinese restaurant, the resort features Cafe Gusto, which specializes in international cuisine, including my personal favorite, Thai food! During my last visit, the food was so amazing that I completely forgot to take photos... 俱樂部的第二會館則是瀰漫著海島度假風情,提供了許多休閒設施,包括KTV、棋藝室、健身中心、閱讀區、親子遊戲區、撞球區,還有戶外泳池和短桿&沙坑練習區。有別於第一會館裡氣派的星級「四季中餐廳」,第二會館裡的「古斯托餐廳」是以異國美食為主,包括我個人最愛的泰式創意料理~ 上次去吃,好吃到我完全忘記了要拍照這件事... The room design of the accommodations is very elegant and minimalistic. Most of them provide two Queen Size beds. In the bathroom, apart from providing essential amenities, they also provide two complimentary face masks, allowing golfers to immediately rejuvenate their skin after a round of golf – a very thoughtful touch! The National Golf Course regularly introduces special packages on the website that include a one-night stay and one or two rounds of golf. Overall, the cost-performance of this golf resort, in my opinion, is significantly higher compared to the golf courses in northern Taiwan. Lastly, feel free to watch the VLOG below that I recorded during my last visit to the National Golf Course with my husband and parents! 住宿會館的設計大方簡約,經典豪華房都是兩張雙人床 (Queen Size) 的房型。洗手間除了有提供基本備品以外,還有贈送兩張面膜,讓擊球完的球友回到房間後可以馬上緩解曬後的膚況,很貼心! 全國的官網上會定期推出一宿一球/兩球 (打球+住宿) 的特惠方案,整體而言的CP值比北部的球場高很多~ 最後,歡迎觀看上次我帶老公和爸媽去全國打球時拍的VLOG! Elva J. Ranking ✓ Course Condition 草皮狀態: ★★★★★ ✓ Facility 設施: ★★★★★ ✓ Food & Beverage 餐飲: ★★★★★ ✓ Service 服務: ★★★★★ ✓ Cost-Performance 性價比: ★★★★★ (Disclaimer: The above assessment is based on my personal experience that day and may not reflect the long-term status of the golf course. Please evaluate and consider accordingly.) (聲明:以上評價為我當天體驗之個人評價,不代表該球場的長期經營狀態,請自行評估參考。)

  • 【Yìzhūang】益莊練習場

    Address: No. 55, Shenkeng Dist., New Taipei City 222 Google Map: Phone: 02 2664 9199 Facility: Golf Academies, Gym, Parking, Artificial putting green Hours: Sunday~Saturday | 6:00am - 11:00pm Yizhuang is tucked away in a hidden alley within the Shenkeng district, about a 30-minute drive from my home. Despite the distance, I used to make the trip every weekend for school team practice. The driving range's unique charm lies in its mountainous surroundings, creating a drizzly and foggy ambiance. It's almost as if you're hitting balls into the clouds, which magically lets you forget all the life stresses. 益莊練習場位於深坑區一條僻靜的小巷裡,雖然離我家開車要至少30分鐘,但這裡對我來說別具意義,因為這裡是我就讀碩士兩年期間,學校校隊練球的主要練習場。由於靠近山區的關係,週末來這裡十次有九次都是陰雨綿綿,山上雲霧繚繞得很是浪漫~ 讓你在練球時能暫離都市煩憂。 The range itself is above 250 yards long including the elevated area, making it a decent place for practicing the woods. 涵蓋後方加高的落球空間,益莊有高達250多碼的擊球距離,非常適合練習木桿。 I know these chairs seem a bit worn out, but what makes them special is the cushions, which are extremely rare to find at driving ranges in Taiwan. Despite their appearance, they are incredibly comfortable, and I often find myself reluctant to get up from them. 雖然打位後方的休息椅可以看到被歲月摧殘的痕跡,但卻是少數練習場的座椅是有軟墊的,而且非常舒服,很容易在練了數盒球後一坐下就不想起來了~ There is an artificial putting green on the first floor. 益莊也設置了人工草皮的推桿果嶺,將一樓的空間最大化利用。 Our school receives coaching from Ace Golf Academy, granting me the privilege of capturing pictures of their teaching facility at Yizhuang. 我們學校校隊的教練來自於駐點在益莊練習場的奇偉卓越高爾夫學院,所以我在畢業前也有榮幸拍攝當時學院教室內的佈置和設備。 In addition to the outdoor hitting area, AGA students have the opportunity to take lessons utilizing the indoor simulator. This advanced setup enables instructors to closely monitor and analyze students' swing data for better feedback and improvement. AGA的學員除了可以使用益莊的室外打區以外,也能在AGA專屬的室內模擬器教室裡上課,幫助教練可以有效追蹤和分析學員的揮桿數據。 Apart from the simulator, AGA also provides essential gym equipment. 除了室內模擬揮桿區,AGA也具備了體能訓練器材。 In addition to AGA, Yizhuang houses two other golf academies: one led by TLPGA Pro Hui-Fang Huang and the other, TIGA, specializing in junior golf instruction. With its diverse range of academies and state-of-the-art facilities, Yizhuang has undeniably emerged as a favored training destination for golfers of all ages, attracting both juniors and adults alike. 而除了AGA的教學場地以外,益莊的一樓和二樓也有租賃給黃慧芳老師的『策略高爾夫研究室』以及專門培訓兒童的『TIGA高爾夫學院』。這樣豐富的師資選擇加上僻靜的練球環境讓益莊成為許多認真鑽研球技的球友和選手家長們首選的練習場地。

  • 【Beckhan Golfzon】貝克漢模擬實境中心

    Address: No. 66, Lane 76, Ruiguang Rd., Taipei Google Map: Phone: 02 2796 5520 Facility: Golfzon simulator, Bar Hours: Sunday~Saturday | 5:00am - 1:00am Beckhan Golfzon VR Center is renowned as one of Taiwan's top indoor golf simulator facilities. Located in the heart of Neihu, a vibrant district in northern Taipei known for its IT industry, it has become a popular destination for post-work gatherings and leisurely outings. 貝克漢高爾夫模擬實境中心是台灣最知名的室內高爾夫模擬器場地之一。座落在台北市內湖區,以科技業為主的高消費地段,讓其成為許多商業人士下班後小聚娛樂的首選場所。 The French windows at the front of the venue illuminate the entire space, lending an luxurious feel, and offering passersby a glimpse of the bar and stylish simulators. But there are actually fewer than ten simulator slots available inside. As a result, it can get quite busy on weekends and weekday evenings after work. To ensure a seamless experience, it is highly recommended to call ahead and make a reservation before your visit. 大片落地窗讓場地空間在視覺上更加寬敞明亮,也能吸引經過車輛和人群的目光。但場內的打位其實並不多,所以在週末或下班時段建議先提前預約,不然現場待位會需要等很久。 Founded in Korea, Golfzon is at the forefront of innovative golf simulators. Operating in 62 countries and boasting 6,200 sites worldwide, their cutting-edge technology offers access to 190 virtual golf courses, including prestigious names like St. Andrews, Pebble Beach, Kiawah Island, Harbour Town, and PGA National. This indoor simulator experience allows golf enthusiasts to play on world-class courses. Also, their advanced sensing technology provides precise swing data, empowering golfers to monitor and enhance their swings effectively. Golzon 是一家起源於韓國的高爾夫模擬器公司。他們的產品至今在62個國家銷售,並在全世界有高達6,200個據點。他們的模擬器以提供逼真的虛擬實境擊球體驗聞名,系統內具有190個知名高爾夫球場供消費者暢打,包括歷史最悠久,位於英國蘇格蘭的聖安德魯球場、美國加州的圓石灘球場、美國南卡羅萊納州的基窪島度假村等優質球場。除此之外,Golfzon的偵測技術可準確追蹤和分析揮桿數據,供擊球者參考和長期記錄進步過程。 In the back of the facility, you'll find a comfortable rest area equipped with a putting mat, dartboard, and racks for members to store their golf bags. This inviting space allows golfers to relax and unwind after their indoor simulator sessions. 在擊球區的後方放置了推桿墊和飛鏢機,以及球袋寄放區。 At the entrance, two massage chairs are thoughtfully provided for those waiting in line for a hitting slot. 在入口處放置了兩張按摩椅,供等待打位的客人休息片刻。 As a leisure facility, they also offer a full bar to complement the experience. You can savor a glass of wine or beer while enjoying rounds of golf on renowned courses with your friends. It's the perfect way to create unforgettable memories in a relaxed and enjoyable environment. 以主打娛樂性質為主的高爾夫場所當然少不了美酒。Beckhan Golfzon 提供完整的酒水服務,讓客人可以一邊擊球一邊小酌,享受下班後的休閒時光。 On rainy days, golfers can indulge in rounds at their desired courses here without any weather hindrance, making it the most remarkable aspect of a golf simulator. Additionally, its training aid capability for tracking swing data is impressive. However, personally, I still prefer playing on a real course whenever the weather allows, as there's an unmatched charm and connection with nature that cannot be replicated indoors. 我認為Golfzon最大的好處就是可以讓高爾夫不受天氣和時間的影響,同時又可以得到即時的擊球數據回饋。但除此之外,只要天氣允許,我個人是更享受在室外的真實球場擊球。

  • 【Shūangxī】雙溪練習場

    Address: No. 4, Lane 101, Jiannan Rd., Shilin Dist., Taipei Google Map: Phone: 0928 413 794 Facility: Parking (Around 8 spots) Hours: Sunday~Saturday | 5:00 - 21:00 You might be as curious as I was when I first arrived: Is this a hiking trail? Surprisingly, no. It's the entrance to Shuangxi, a hidden driving range tucked away in the Shilin district, known only to the locals. 不用懷疑,照片中相似山林徒步區的道路就是前往雙溪練習場的入口。這個位於士林區的練習場極為隱密,幾乎只有當地居民才會光顧。 A friendly reminder: If you're using Google Maps to navigate, remember to slow down during the last kilometer, as the entrance can be easily missed, and there are no signs along the way to guide you. 友情提醒:若是計畫開車跟著谷歌大神來訪此地,記得務必在最後一公里減速慢行,因為入口處非常容易錯過,尤其轉彎處也沒有任何招牌告示唷。 At this unique driving range, you'll find fewer than 10 hitting slots, with a total hitting distance of less than 50 yards. Interestingly, the hitting area is backed by what appears to be the living room of a residence, possibly the owner's home. During my last visit, it was quite crowded, so I couldn't try hitting balls or learn about the pricing (my mistake, apologies). Based on my observations, it seems to be a self-service facility. If you have any insights or information about how this mysterious driving range operates, please share in the comments! 這裡的球道屈指可數,擊球距離不超過50碼,身後是個像私人住宅的空間,放置了一張泡茶桌(應該是老闆的住所?)... 非常神秘~ 很遺憾我上次抵達時球道全滿,顧著拍照結果都忘了詢問收費方式。但從我當時的觀察,這裡是採用全自助的方式加球。若有知情人士熟悉這邊的運作模式,歡迎在留言處跟我分享唷!

  • 【Shípái】石牌練習場

    Address: No. 223-2, Section 7, Chengde Rd., Beitou Dist., Taipei Google Map: Phone:02 2822 0305 Facility: Parking, Café, Pro shop, Shower Hours:24/7 (except on national holidays) Shipai has a reputation as a go-to spot for pro golfers, including the presence of Taiwanese golf legend Lu Hsi-Chuen, who practices and teaches here. This has drawn numerous golf enthusiasts to this driving range. Another remarkable feature of this facility is that it operates 24/7, providing golf addicts a haven to elevate their game at any time of day or night. 我稱石牌練習場為'台灣球王的聚集地',因為聽說亞洲球王呂西鈞平常都在這裡教球,吸引各地慕名而來的球友到此拜師。而且石牌練習場24小時營業,想必拯救了很多半夜睡不著,心心掛念著如何能讓球技更精進的高手。(真希望我也有這樣的動力去練球... 可是睡眠永遠比球技更吸引我😪) Established in 1982, Shipai is the oldest driving range in Taipei. After an extensive renovation by Chairman Yang in 2002, it gained fame as the most luxurious driving range in Taiwan at the time. The addition of a restaurant and shower rooms catered to golfers who wished to head straight to work after their morning practice, enhancing the overall experience at the facility. 石牌練習場是台北市最老的一間練習場,創立於民國71年。2002年董事長楊志成砸重本將其重新改造,除了引進五星級餐廳,還設有衛浴設備,讓石牌練習場在當年一耀成為以五星級規格聞名的高級練習場。 Geographically, Shipai is exceptionally convenient for golfers residing in Shilin and Beitou Districts. 石牌練習場的地點可以說是位於黃金地段,對於住在士林和北投的球友都很方便。 Despite its last renovation being 16 years ago, Shipai remains in fairly good condition. However, the only downside, in my opinion, is the proximity of the range slots to each other. The spaces are quite close together, making me feel like I might hit the net behind me every time I swing my driver. 雖然距離上一次整修已經有16年,這裡整體設備都還算維持的很好,唯一讓我覺得可以改進的地方是球位之間的空間偏小,所以人一多,打起來就稍有壓迫感,如果打一號木桿,試揮的時候稍微不注意就會碰到後方的網子...>< These ball dispensers are becoming rare to find nowadays. As a kid, I absolutely loved watching the balls lined up inside, imagining them as tiny rockets waiting for me to launch them to the moon... 題外話...我小時候很喜歡盯著在發球機裡面排排站的球,幻想他們是準備要出任務的軍艦,準備被我發射到很遠的地方~ (是個想像力太豐富都沒在認真練球的孩紙🤣) And here is nice little resting area outside the café. 練累了就可以點一杯果汁在這個室外休息區一邊休息一邊看旁邊電視上的比賽直播。 Adjacent to the café is a pro shop, where the latest club sets and stylish apparel products await. For those seeking affordable golf outfits, there's a wide selection of items on sale. 球具店也是各種球具器材應有盡有,還有模擬器可以試打球桿。 And, of course, one of my absolute favorite spots at Shipai is the café, mainly because they serve peanut butter toast!!! (Though they also offer a variety of other delicious snacks and desserts.) As a kid, the prospect of enjoying those treats here was a major motivation for me to come and practice! 當然,身為吃貨的我最喜歡的地方還是這裡的咖啡廳,早中晚不管是中式、西式、果汁飲料,豐富到讓你有選擇障礙!來這邊練球一整天絕對不用怕沒東西吃~ If you live nearby and crave the opportunity to practice alongside pro golfers while indulging in the guilty pleasure of an afternoon tea, then Shipai is definitely the place to be! 總而言之,石牌練習場高手如雲、環境舒適、餐點多元,住在附近的人不來打打球真的說不過去~!

  • 【Yòushēng】佑昇練習場

    Address: No. 105, Xinlin Rd., Tamsui Dist., New Taipei City Google Map: Phone: 02 2629 6126 Facility: Parking, Shower Hours: Sunday~Saturday | 6:30 - 22:30 Located on a hill in Tamsui, Yousheng is the northernmost driving range in Taiwan. Stepping out of your car, you'll immediately notice the striking difference in air quality compared to downtown areas. The refreshing atmosphere provides a sense of tranquility as you enjoy your practice session, creating a truly rejuvenating experience. 佑昇位於淡水區的小山坡上,是台灣最北端的練習場。一下車就會發現這裡的空氣比市區要清晰許多,是個讓人心曠神怡的練球好地方。 Unlike many commercialized facilities in Taipei, Yousheng is more akin to a "home-like" driving range in my perception. During my first visit, the staff's friendliness and genuine enthusiasm while showing me around left a lasting impression. 有別於台北市中心練習場的擁擠和商業化,佑昇的氛圍帶給人一種“回娘家了”的親切感。櫃檯的阿姨非常熱情健談,會像街坊好鄰居般向你介紹擊球規則和優惠,讓我此次初訪印象深刻。 I truly enjoyed the view from the hitting area at Yousheng. Not only does it offer ample space for hitting drivers, the well-maintained turf mats also stand out, surpassing many crowded facilities in downtown Taipei. 我很喜歡這裡的球道視野,平坦寬闊而且距離夠遠,非常適合練木桿。打位的草皮看得出來都有定期換新,幾乎沒有明顯凹陷或破損的地方,這點也是在其他市中心的練習場比較難見的。 In addition to the adorable staff who make you feel right at home, Yousheng's resting area enhances the welcoming and laid-back ambiance. If you're looking for a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle, Yousheng is undeniably your best choice to work on your swing. 除了櫃檯阿姨的服務熱忱讓人備感溫馨外,這裡的休息區也是讓人有回家般放鬆的原因,感覺是長輩們會喜歡聊天泡茶的空間。若你也嚮往遠離塵囂,宛如在自家後院般的練球環境,佑昇絕對是不二選擇。

  • 【Qiáodà】喬大練習場

    Address: No. 165, Section 3, Dadu Rd., Beitou Dist., Taipei Google Map: Phone: 02 2858 2677 Facility: Parking, Café, Organic store, Practice bunker, Artificial putting green Hours:24/7 (except on national holidays) Qiao-Da holds a special place in my heart as it's where my earliest memories of golf were created. However, it wasn't always the fancy, garden-like facility it is now. 20 years ago, when it was known as Guan-Du, it was a run-down range with wild stray dogs and pesky mosquitoes, not exactly kid-friendly. Yet, I cherished every moment spent here with my dad, hitting balls, having fun, and even fending off mosquitoes. Thanks to the efforts of the Khouse Realestate Group, Qiao-Da underwent a remarkable transformation. Countless renovations have turned it into the stunning, relaxing, and fully-equipped golf facility we know and love today. 喬大對我來說是個充滿兒時回憶的地方。我與高爾夫最初的記憶基本上都是在這兒發生的。但當時這裡的外觀和設施並不像現在這麼令人讚賞... 應該很少人知道喬大高爾夫練習場的前身叫關渡練習場。20年前這裡曾經是個蚊蟲滿天飛,野狗到處跑又破舊不堪的地方。記得我小時候,爸爸經常在晚飯後帶我去關渡練習場教 (餵) 我 (食) 打 (蚊) 球 (子)。我想也是因為這樣的環境所致,我常常都是現場唯一的小孩。 後來這裡被喬大地產收購,經過幾年的陸續改建,蛻變成如今全台北市練球環境最舒適而且設備最齊全的高爾夫練習場之一。 Upon entering through the unassuming entrance, you'll be greeted by a serene and peaceful lawn, which is what I love most about this place. It's heartwarming to witness kids playing soccer while their parents enjoy coffee at Leezen or practice their swings on the range. Qiaoda has taken its offerings to the next level, ensuring there's something for everyone to enjoy during their visit. This inclusive and diverse experience is what truly sets Qiaoda apart from other driving ranges, making it a remarkable and unforgettable destination for all. 進到喬大的入口處就會看到左手邊的大草坪👆🏾 很多爸爸喜歡帶全家來這過週末,因為媽媽可以喝咖啡看書,小朋友可以在草地上盡情踢球玩耍,而爸爸...就可以不受打擾專心練球。🤣 喬大就是這麼貼心。 Just around the corner from the lawn, you'll discover an adorable botanical garden that adds an artistic and charming vibe to the air. 穿過草坪就會看到這座可愛的植物園~ 種了各種有機蔬菜和多肉盆栽,散發濃濃的文藝氣息。 Adjacent to the garden is Leezen, an organic retail chain renowned for offering high-quality produce grown by local farmers, along with sustainable apparel and daily products. The cozy and inviting atmosphere of this place makes it the perfect destination for an afternoon getaway with friends. 穿過植物園就會看到『里仁有機食品專賣店』👇🏽 這裡除了販售天然有機食品和環保生活用品,也提供舒適的環境供球友們享用簡餐或咖啡茶點,非常適合和姐妹掏聚會或獨自點一杯咖啡,怡然自得地享受一整天。 Every corner of Qiaoda has been meticulously thought out, including the area around the restrooms. 喬大的每個角落都有小巧思,包括洗手間。 Qiaoda takes pride in having the longest field in the city, spanning approximately 200 yards end-to-end. Unlike many other places that restrict hitting drivers on the second floor, Qiaoda offers a wide-open and safe space for golfers to freely use any clubs they desire. This expansive range allows for a full range of shots, making it an ideal destination for golfers seeking to practice with various clubs and perfect their skills. 說了這麼多終於要介紹喬大的練習場設施了!首先,喬大是全台北市球道最長的練習場, 到網子底部有200多碼。所以不管你站在一樓還是二樓,driver 都可以盡情地給他"催"下去,這點很加分!而且這片綠地看了心情就很好~ Qiaoda also provides a variety of useful equipment to enhance your practice sessions. From the tilted hitting mat and sand bunker to the artificial putting green and stretching tools, their resources here truly help you make the most of your practice time. Be sure to explore the site and take advantage of these valuable facilities to elevate your golfing skills to new heights! 他們現場提供許多不同的設施,像是用來練習在斜坡上擊球的加高墊、沙坑、人工草果嶺和拉筋椅。有機會去喬大的話別忘了多加利用這些免費設施嘍!

  • 【Pénglái】蓬萊練習場

    Address: No. 100, Jingye 3rd Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei Google Map: Phone: 02 8502 1799 Facility:Parking, Café, Pro shop, Club fitting, Simulator Hours:Sunday | 10:00 - 22:00 Monday | 06:00 - 01:00 Tuesday | 10:00 - 01:00 Wednesday | 10:00 - 01:00 Thursday | 05:00 - 10:00 Friday | 10:00 - 01:00 Saturday | 08:00 - 01:00 In my view, Penglai is both one of the best and "worst" driving ranges in Taipei. On the positive side, its proximity to two shopping malls, Miramar and ATT 4 Recharge, makes it an ideal spot for socializing with friends. After hitting balls, you can easily grab food and drinks nearby. Additionally, being close to an MRT station makes it convenient for subway commuters. However, it is undeniably the most crowded driving range EVER. On weekends, you may find yourself waiting for 20-40 minutes just to secure a spot. Despite its convenient location, the popularity of Penglai will really test your patience. 我個人對蓬萊可以說是又愛又恨~愛的點是它位於兩大百貨公司之間,所以很適合跟朋友或客戶在擊球後直接移駕到對面的百貨吃飯逛街,讓你們可以不用開車就有打球以外的行程,而且餐廳選擇豐富,這可是其他練習場沒有的優勢喔!另外,蓬萊就在捷運文湖線 劍南路站走路5分鐘的距離,對於習慣以捷運穿梭台北的人來說,這裡應該是最方便的練習場了。 但是!! 來蓬萊之前一定要有心理準備,這裡的人潮不是一般得多。週末來練球,等個打位排隊20-40分鐘是基本的~ At the entrance, you'll find a counter where people sign up to get in line for a slot. When it's your turn, they'll call out your name and number, prompting you to head to the counter to pay for the desired number of buckets of balls you'd like to hit. 一樓的櫃檯會擺放排隊的號碼單,只要自行寫上名字,當輪到你的時候他們會叫號,屆時再去櫃檯購買球就可以了。 While waiting in line for a practice slot might take some time, parking is generally not a problem at Penglai. The facility provides a large parking lot at the back and around the driving range. 蓬萊有免費停車格圍繞整個練習場,數量非常足夠,就算停滿也無需等太久就能找到停車位。 I haven't had the opportunity to dine at Penglai's café. However, I've noticed that some golfers order food to their hitting slot, which I find quite convenient, especially if you're on a tight schedule. 我沒有吃過他們café的餐點,畢竟這附近太多美食選擇了,但如果想要一邊擊球一邊享用午、晚餐,他們可以將餐點送至你的打位唷! The pro shop is packed with all kinds of golf goodies! 球具店的商品也是非常豐富! On the first floor, you'll find a club fitting studio, where numerous pro golfers get their clubs fitted. The staff is extremely approachable and accommodating, so don't hesitate to visit and inquire about anything related to golf clubs. 一樓還有專業的球具工仿,有任何球桿的相關問題都可以及時得到解答! You'll notice the hanging layers of netting, which might seem obstructive to your ball's trajectory. However, these nets serve a crucial purpose – they prevent the balls from flying out of the range and hitting nearby residential buildings. Also, hitting woods from the second floor is prohibited for safety reasons. If you're planning to practice your driver, make sure to request a slot on the first floor. 由於蓬萊周邊都住宅區,為避免高爾夫球飛出場外,他們在草坪上方做了層層防護網。此外,蓬萊的二樓打位是禁止打木桿的,所以若木桿是你的重點練習球桿,記得要排在一樓的打位。

Elva J. Golf sitting in a yacht.

Hi, my name is Elva, I’ve been a recreational golf enthusiast since I was a toddler under my dad’s influence. Growing up I have had many hobbies come and go, but I know golf is here to stay (probably because I suck at it sometimes, which gets me more into it...if it makes sense.)


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